Community Deputy
Reminder to Residents - ALWAYS lock the doors on your vehicles, house & garage doors when not at home!
For a business that sells alcohol:
Compliance training's are set up generally through the County with the State of Minnesota Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division.
Compliance training's are set up generally through the County with the State of Minnesota Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division.
Any questions contact Phone: 651-201-7509.
For questions about starting a Neighborhood Watch or having a neighborhood party please contact Deputy Severson!
Firearm Ordinance FYI:
The ordinance states that no person shall fire, discharge, or explode any gun, pistol, BB/pellet gun or other weapon in any part of the City, which includes air soft guns used by children. The ordinance also prohibits shooting archery equipment in the City limits.
It is important for parents to remember that not everybody knows the difference between a real gun and a toy gun. If a toy gun is mistaken for a real gun and the Sheriff's Office receives a report of this it creates a dangerous situation for everybody involved.
The ordinance states that no person shall fire, discharge, or explode any gun, pistol, BB/pellet gun or other weapon in any part of the City, which includes air soft guns used by children. The ordinance also prohibits shooting archery equipment in the City limits.
It is important for parents to remember that not everybody knows the difference between a real gun and a toy gun. If a toy gun is mistaken for a real gun and the Sheriff's Office receives a report of this it creates a dangerous situation for everybody involved.
Protect yourself while walking or running!
Please be reminded to wear bright colored or reflective clothing ESPECIALLY if you are out late or early. Drivers need to be able to see you!
Info needed! If you have any information you feel may be useful to Deputy Severson, please feel free to send an email to the deputy or stop in at the Eyota City Hall to share your information.
Pet Notice:
More than three pets per household is considered a "kennel" according to city ordinance.
Stop It Now! MN: 1-888-PREVENT,
Jacob Wetterling Resource Center (JWRC): 1-800-325-4673(HOPE).
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC): 1-800-843-5678,
Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children: MICAC task Force, 651-265-3882
MDH Sexual Violence Prevention Website:
Office of Justice Programs, Crime Victim Services: 888-622-8799,
Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA):
Minnesota Department of Corrections (MN DOC): (Search Offender Locator, Level 3 Sex Offender Search, Searchable by zip code, address, name. OR Search Offender Locator, Offender Locator, Searchable by name, OID)
United States Department of Justice: -National Sex Offender Registry