Community Gardens

See you in 2025!

Gardeners are reminded to visit their plots at least once a week.
Water is available at the site. 
Keep gardens and where your garden adjoins fence or pathway weed-free.
Gardeners are expected to volunteer 2 hours yearly for garden maintenance, helping in the spring for set-up or fall for clean-up.
It is important to harvest vegetables when they are mature. If your produce is not needed, please give permission to someone to harvest it or pick your produce and contribute to a local food shelf.

The City of Eyota Community Garden began in 2010 in a joint effort between the City and S.H.I.P. (Statewide Health Improvement Program) in the Sunset Square Park. This first year there were only 12 plots, the next year (2011) the plots were expanded to 24, and in 2014 the plots have been expanded to 30. With 18 of these plots being at grade and 12 plots being raised beds. The first 24 plots were funded using S.H.I.P. funds while the new six plots will be funded using rental funds.