EDA - Economic Development Authority

The EDA in Eyota was established on December 1, 1990 by resolution. Members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council.
There are five (5) members and two (2) Council representatives, they serve six (6) year terms.
Meetings are held the 4th Thursday of the month
5:30 p.m. @ The Eyota Fire Hall 
Phone: (507) 545-2135
Email: eyota@cityofeyota.com
Mail to: PO Box 328 Eyota, MN 55934
City Hall 38 South Front Street SW, Eyota
Eyota Business Financing Incentive & Assistance Guidelines & Application listed below:
Call the City of Eyota' s EDA office for more details (507) 545-2135 
Office Hours are Thursdays 8 AM - 430 PM