Snow Policy

Winter Parking Info:

No parking on any street or alley from 2:00 am to 6:00 am from December 1 through March 31. See the attached ordinance, 71.03.

Snow removal and/or sanding operations in the city begin when snow accumulation reaches two inches or when ice occurs in designated priority emergency streets. It is not the intent of the City to keep routes entirely snow or ice free during a storm. Snow removal will continue periodically throughout the duration of a storm. However, some factors may delay snow removal and ice control operations.

Attached is a map showing the priority of plowing each street in Eyota. 

First priority is the Fire Hall, City Hall and the Eyota Volunteer Ambulance facility. 

Second priority is arterial and collector streets.

Third is commercial streets, Fourth is residential streets and fifth is cul-de-sacs, alleys and parking lots. Sixth priority is pathways.

The City of Eyota does not have a dry pavement policy and does not provide driveway cleaning.

Citizens are requested to place trash containers at least ten feet behind curb or edge of the street. They are asked to keep fire hydrants in their neighborhood clear of snow.

Snow may be piled on City boulevards, right-of-ways and easements. The City does not provide snow removal from these areas, especially in cul-de-sac areas. Snow may be removed from intersections where piled snow has created unsafe passage for vehicular and pedestrian traffic.